SciLor's ScrollingDemo
Write a scrolling app in .NET.

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I wanted to start graphical programming for a next project i will start so i played a little bit and created a simple and easy scroll program.
I should run nicecly on every .net device.
I have just commented the code for you to make it understandable for newbes who want to start programming in .net with graphics.
maybe i will add a flow feature later.
If you use the code please PM me, then you are allowed to use my code however you want.
So I will call it "PM-me license" ^^
and it would be nice for what you used it
if you have ideas i could add post it here
If have made some litte bugfixes, speed improvments and i have added a fps counter.
At my Kaiser it runs without touch at 20FPS when I touch my Screen then only 9
And It Costs 3 FPS when you have selected an item. Any Idea of speed it up?
Which device you got and how fast it runs?
IF someone has ideas to improve the speed please PM me!
Simple Flow added, just flowing without breaking or something, maybe i will improve it later on...
would be just add v=a*t + v0 till zero or change of algebraic sign.
LockBits do make it fast, I will take a look later
Better flow, icons get read from img dir dynamicly just copy some img files there and take a look. There will be a messagebox with the time needed for loading them. If the pictures are in 32x32 already it needs around 2secs on a Kaiser for 42 images. If there are much bigger it takes 14secs (They get resized).
[Update] You can now run the program under WinXP just run the ScrollerDemo .exe in the MissingSchoolBellDir. Icons are loaded from the img dir
I wanted to start graphical programming for a next project i will start so i played a little bit and created a simple and easy scroll program.
I should run nicecly on every .net device.
I have just commented the code for you to make it understandable for newbes who want to start programming in .net with graphics.
maybe i will add a flow feature later.
If you use the code please PM me, then you are allowed to use my code however you want.
So I will call it "PM-me license" ^^
and it would be nice for what you used it
if you have ideas i could add post it here
If have made some litte bugfixes, speed improvments and i have added a fps counter.
At my Kaiser it runs without touch at 20FPS when I touch my Screen then only 9
And It Costs 3 FPS when you have selected an item. Any Idea of speed it up?
Which device you got and how fast it runs?
IF someone has ideas to improve the speed please PM me!
Simple Flow added, just flowing without breaking or something, maybe i will improve it later on...
would be just add v=a*t + v0 till zero or change of algebraic sign.
LockBits do make it fast, I will take a look later
Better flow, icons get read from img dir dynamicly just copy some img files there and take a look. There will be a messagebox with the time needed for loading them. If the pictures are in 32x32 already it needs around 2secs on a Kaiser for 42 images. If there are much bigger it takes 14secs (They get resized).
[Update] You can now run the program under WinXP just run the ScrollerDemo .exe in the MissingSchoolBellDir. Icons are loaded from the img dir