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SciLor's GrooveDownloaderWM

Alpha v16.1

This tool helps you to download music from - for Windows Mobile

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SciLor's GrooveDownloaderWM is a tool for downloading Grooveshark™.com.
Thanks fly out to "nilezon" who offered his grooveshark™ API!

I am not responsible for any violations to the Terms of Use of Grooveshark™ this tool may do (It is not allowed to archiv the dumped mp3's!). It is more or less a prove of concept.
I am not related to Grooveshark™ in any way!
Alpha 16.1(2012-05-01)
-Fix: Broken update fixed again.
-Fix: CAB


Alpha 16(2012-04-29)
-Fix: Broken update fixed
-Fix: UTF8 fixed

Alpha 15(2012-03-13)
-New: Updater for GrooveFix.xml (Small updates)
-Fix: Grooveshark(tm) changed again...

Alpha v14(2012-01-30)
-Fix: Downloading more than a couple of songs shouldn't make any problem ;)

Alpha v13(2011-11-19)
-Fix: Another change on our nice music webservice

Alpha v12(2011-08-31)
-Fix: Fix empty songnames

Alpha v11(2011-07-20)
-Fix: Fix after a change on the grooveshark(tm).com website.

Alpha v10(2011-04-26)
-Feature: Ignore certificates by creating a "nocert" file
-Fix: Working again after a change on the excelent grooveshark(tm).com webservice.

Alpha v9(2011-03-13)
-Fix: "Cowbell not found" error fixed, due to a change on the very nice grooveshark(tm).com service.

Alpha v8(2010-12-22)
-Fix: Another change on the grooveshark(tm) Website ;)

Alpha v7(2010-12-03)
-Fix: Cowbell problem...

Alpha v6(2010-10-10)
-Enhancement: Nice Icon :)
-Fix: Broken Cab

Alpha v5(2010-09-07)
-Enhancement: misterious "privacy" ;)
-Fix: New revision

Alpha v4(2010-07-18)
-New: Settings dialog, including selection of the download directory and the song renaming patterns(config.xml)
-Enhancement: Better error handling (especially on wrong incoming data)
-Enhancement: Debug tab
-Feature: Popular song search
-Feature: Check by tap on entry
-Feature: Immediately download abortion

Alpha v3(2010-06-23)
-Quickfix: Crash on any search...

Alpha v2(2010-06-23)
-Enhancement: New revision, country fix included ;)
-Fix: Crashes on illegal file characters in track names
-Fix: Language specific characters fixed (letters with circumflexes, points, umlauts etc.)

Alpha v1(2010-05-09)
-Initial Release